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What are the common sprinkler nozzle failures?
Release time:2024-05-08      Number of clicks:85

At present, many sprinkler heads are widely used in farmland irrigation and garden industry, and sprinkler equipment is mainly composed of elements such as pump power, unit, water pipeline and sprinkler. In the process of use, if the nozzle fails, it is a very troublesome thing, so what are the more common faults of the nozzle? What's the solution?! Let's take a quick look.

In the process of use, the more common faults are that the range of the nozzle is not enough, the rotating part of the nozzle has the phenomenon of water leakage, the nozzle does not turn or the phenomenon of slow rotation, or the water is not out of water, the water component is not enough. In the process of work, there is a sudden stop of water, excessive consumption of efficacy, or noise and vibration. Pay attention to if there is a problem with the equipment in the process of work, we need to stop the use in time, find the cause of the failure, and solve it in time.

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Address: East of West Winery Road, Peixian County, Jiangsu Province

Zip Code: 221600

E-mail: jszhongshui@163.com

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